Thursday, October 18, 2007

Octoberfest in the Kentlands

I know it's almost a week later, but last Sunday was a great day. Jenn and Josh invited us and the Hatleys to Octoberfest in their neighborhood. The weather was perfect and although it was insane busy, we really enjoyed ourselves. We had BBQ for lunch, Quinn and I split an ice cream cone, and all of the girls, especially Patricia, danced to the music! I have some great videos of the bopping going on, and I have to say, Patch really outdid herself with her new little boy crush!

Quinn loved petting the barn animals (I know, really dirty, but please... it's not like worse things haven't touched those curious hands!). I thought about a pony ride, but it just seems to make sense to wait one more summer before letting her do something like that :-)

She missed her nap and really did well all day. No meltdowns, but boy did she sack out Sunday night! It's so funny with her - she'll literally play up until the moment we turn off the light and read to her before we put her down. It doesn't matter how much "down time" we give her before bed - she uses every bit of energy and puts it toward playing. She was the same Sunday night - ran around her room until Kirch kissed her goodnight, I turned the light off, and rocked her for a few minutes. Well, that was it - normally bed time is 8pm - we put her to bed at 7:30 to make up for the nap she missed and she didn't make it 5 minutes with the light off before she was SOUND asleep! That time is some of the most precious time I spend with her - just holding her while she is sleeping. I selfishly rocked her for a little while longer until I finally placed her in her crib and quietly shut the bedroom door... Good night, sleep tight, sweet daughter.

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