Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Who Knew Rockville Town Square Could Be So Much Fun?

Quinn and I spent 4 hours in the center of Rockville Town Square last weekend. What a blast! I packed us some PBJ's, chips, carrots and juice boxes, and Quinn and I played in the water fountain most of the morning! We played tag in the courtyard, and she climbed on the rocks, showing off her amazing biceps and balancing abilities.

I'm going to water the plants next...

Here I come!

It was the perfect summer day. And the best part was, it never got overly crowded there! That was amazing to me, because it seems to me this would be a great getaway for families for minimal to no cost at all. And it was so much fun! I mean, to create this fountain and actually call it an interactive fountain - who could ask for more? I'll lay money (that I saved by going there) that the Germantown Water Park was twice as busy for twice the price!

I can spell the letters out, Mommy!

...and look at my strong muscles!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes...

Quinn on the motorcycle ride last year at the Algonac Pickeral Tournament...

Quinn on the same ride this year!!!

My little girl isn't scared anymore (which scares me now)!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I Went to Michigan and All I Got Was This Lousy Swollen Eye...

My poor kid!

You should see the other guy!

On the last night of our annual Fourth of July trip to Michigan, Quinn got bit by some nasty mosquitoes! Yep, that's all they were. Mosquitoes. You can't tell, but her left hand is as swollen as her eye was! She looked like she'd been through a war!

Quinn always has a more severe reaction to mosquito bites than normal. Nothing to be terribly concerned about, but enough to feel bad for her. Well, this was the worst reaction ever. When she woke up Tuesday morning as we were packing to leave for the airport, I noticed her eye and her hand. We figured it would just go down on it's own as the day went on, and we were right... until halfway through the day, on the plane we noticed she was rubbing eye more than she had been all day. We got her home, gave her some Benadryl and put her to bed. Well, she woke up Wednesday morning and the poor kid couldn't even open her eye it was so swollen! The picture I took up top there? It didn't hold a candle to the following morning's puffiness! So I ended up taking her to the doctor just to make sure everything was ok. And it was - Dr. Potter didn't even prescribe any medication, just told us to keep her on the Benadryl regimen until the swelling went away. So I brought her to daycare and by the time I picked her up that afternoon, she looked SO much more like herself! By Thursday she was back to normal.

Oh, by the way, the rest of the trip was great! But I'll save that for another post.