Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter in PA

We had a very relaxing Easter up at Grandpa and Dorothy's last Saturday night/Sunday morning. The Easter Bunny was very good to our little girl! Aside from the massive egg hunt and 2 baskets loaded with toys, earrings, movies and a little candy, she also dyed eggs, spent countless hours outside exploring the mountain, picking daffodils and walking on the train tracks.

Lots of fun was had by all involved. Hey, maybe we can make this a tradition?

Leaf Pile

While over at Mike and Rachel's on a Saturday afternoon, Quinn and I took advantage of the fantastic turn the weather had taken and made a leaf pile for her to play in. It gives me such joy to see the sheer happiness in her face as she throws those leaves up in the air! That girl is so photogenic I can't even stand it.

Gotta make a big pile!

You better watch it, Mom!

I'm letting you off this time...

But now you're done for!!!

...and I am just so happy!