Sunday, June 13, 2010

Visiting Frederick

Last weekend Q and I spent the day at the Frederick Festival of Arts. We really enjoyed ourselves, although I didn't get to browse the actual "art" very much at all. Quinn was not into the shopping and browsing part of the festival! Needless to say, she's much more of an "On-the-Goer."

So to keep my girl busy, we stopped at the arts and crafts tent for young'uns. She LOVES getting her face painted, so she got a purple ladybug and then colored a sticker for herself (which promptly went onto her arm).

Is she doing a good job, Mommy?

Yep, acceptable art!

As we walked along Carroll Creek in and out of tents, Quinn kept noticing the paddle boaters and kayakers in the water. Naturally, she wanted to take a spin, so we got into a paddle boat of our own for a while and cruised to the end of the creek and back. She kept wanting to race all of the other people in the water. I, on the other hand, wished we could have had the creek to ourselves! But I digress...

The cutest First Mate I've ever seen

Carroll Creek

After we (she) tired of the art fair, we walked through Downtown Frederick and took in a couple of clothing shops along the way. We found a cool fountain that made for some cute pictures, the one of me she took with my Nikon D40X all by herself! Uncle Mike, maybe we have a photographer in the making!

Cute as a bug...

My budding artist took this!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Back and Raring To Go!

After a long hiatus, selling our condo, being homeless (thanks Mike and Rachel, for taking us in) while we look for a new house, I am back online and ready to BLOG!!!

So, the particular Sunday afternoon I'm writing about right now happened several weeks ago (May 23 to be exact), but these pictures are just too cute not to share. I think Quinn has found her future husband!

When we returned from our guided fishing trip in PA on Sunday, we had learned that Mike & Rachel (who graciously watched Quinn for us) had set up a play date with some friends of theirs who have a 4 year old son, Talon. Well it didn't take long for them to hit it off - they had a blast sliding down the hill, playing with the baseball tee, munching on watermelon and all around having a fantastic afternoon!

Even Uncle Mike gets in on the action!

BFF's - or is it TLA?

Mugging it up!

Hill roll!!!

Check me out - sledding in the spring!