Friday, July 20, 2007

Stay Cool, Baby...

I don't know why, but since I've become a mom, I've not been one to let Quinn run around in just a diaper. It's not for any decided reason, I just always dress her, even if it's just in a onesie. Maybe it's because she has so many clothes, I don't want to not take the opportunity to dress her up in all of her cute outfits! Whatever the reason, that's how it's been since Quinn has been around. The other day I gave her a bath and actually opted NOT to put her in clothes for a little while. She was just all belly and diaper. And I gotta admit, she wears it well!

Uncanny, isn't it? My belly looks like Mommy's used to!

February, 06 - 34 weeks pregnant

I bought Quinn her very own pair of sunglasses the other day while out and about, running errands. She just loves playing with our shades, so I figured we'd get her her own to play with. Well, she's getting very good at actually wearing them for long periods at a time... and when I say "long" periods, I mean for more than the time it takes for us to pull our hands away from having just placed them on her face! We need to invest in a play cell phone next because she's getting very chatty on our real phones and she's bound to either really call someone by accident (our luck it will be 911) or she's going to break our phones!

Mom finally got wise enough to buy me my OWN shades...

I went to Kirch's End-of-Summer Tennis Banquet last night (as I do every year). Jenn & Josh watched Quinn and had a great time with her. Jenn says she got some cute pictures of Quinn sitting in her collapsible cooler and on a little decorative bench, so I'm anxious to get those shots and post them on here. Hopefully soon!

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