Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Reese!

Our sweet baby girl turned ONE on Monday - and, of course, we had to throw a party to celebrate the momentous occasion!  We had around 25 people, good food and decent weather... thank goodness the storms missed us and spared us our power - there were over 1.5 million in the DC suburbs without it for days!!!

Reese was a perfect doll all day long.  Such a sweet disposition and she charmed everyone who came to celebrate her day with her!

The pictures I've posted are only half of what were taken.  I'm hoping to see more from Uncle Mike and some other friends that have yet to get me their copies.  But these will do for now - the cake destruction was quite entertaining.  She actually threw more of it on the ground or shared it with Quinn than ate it herself.  But boy, did she demolish it!  It took me back to 5 years prior, when Quinn obliterated her own cake.  Man, it's going by too fast!

Thanks to Victoria for making both the destruction cake and the "to share" cake - and the monkey thing caught on like wildfire.  She got plenty of monkey outfits, and one Reese's Pieces teddy bear and bowl.  I love the originality!

Thanks again to all who could make it - you made for a wonderful and memorable 1st birthday party, even if only for the parents!

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