Monday, June 18, 2012

The Day I Thought Would Never Come... Came!

I was beginning to wonder if Quinn was EVER going to lose a tooth.  She's had her right bottom tooth wiggling for what seems like months, and today at daycare she bit into a cob of corn and really helped the process along.  Well, tonight, after 30 minutes of pushing and pulling, a little blood and a few estatic tears, she got that sucker OUT!  I was clearheaded enough to grab the video camera to catch this priceless moment (or 4-and-a-half moments ) on film.  It's a little lengthy, but so worth witnessing the pure exhiliration and joy Quinn has when she realizes she's FINALLY lost a tooth and the Tooth Fairy is coming tonight!

Yes, yes, I cried tears of joy and my peacock feathers bloomed in full tonight for my big girl.  Another milestone in her road through life.  Sigh...

She could not BE more proud!

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