Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

This is Quinn's 3rd Christmas, but last night was our first tree decorating experience as a family. She has really gotten into the Christmas spirit this year, seeing Santa Clause twice and each time telling him she wanted the same 2 gifts - a purple tutu and an Ariel dolly. The girl is obsessed with purple! Everything she wants now is purple - it's quite sweet, actually!

Here are some shots from our evening together. Quinn was quite the little helper, hanging bulbs at our knee cap level, sometimes 2 bulbs to one branch! Safe to say, after we put her to bed, Mommy rearranged a few of the ornaments to even out the tree a bit :-)

I love this tree and these lights...

...and I am just SO ESSCITED about Christmas!!!

Try not to disturb my concentration, I want to hang this bulb just right...

She had us laughing like crazy just the other morning - we brought her into our room about 6:30am to sleep with us for a bit (she'd had a bad dream). We had gotten her back to sleep and then had started to get ready for our day while she was still snoozing away. Both Kirch and I were whispering to each other, looking at how stinking cute she was laying there so peaceful, when all of the sudden, with her eyes still closed, this HUGE smile came across her face! The little turd knew we were talking about her! Then, she sits up, opens her eyes, and... wait for it... looks right at Kirch and me and says, "It's almost Christmastime!!!" We about fell over laughing! She never ever ceases to completely crack us up!

Daddy, are you back there behind me and Tiki?

1 comment:

michael kircher said...

Nice new layout! And of course my sweetie is just so damn cute!