Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Morning!

Well, Christmas at the Kircher household was a hit!  The girls slept in until 8am (which was great, since Santa didn't come until 2am) and then the festivities started.  It was an interesting dynamic with Reese here this year - Quinn had to wait to tear into her gifts until after I was able to nurse Reese.  Quinn was patient, but it was hard for her not to run downstairs and go for the gifts under the tree!

Quinn patiently feeding Reese, waiting to go downstairs to see the tree!

Reese's new bouncer!

It was a very successful morning - Santa brought a piggy bank and a few toys for Reese, and he delivered for Quinn; he brought her a play laptop, a red radio/cd player, and the tank for the fish and left her a note that she could go to the store and pick out the fish herself.  They both received other great presents and we really had a wonderful time watching them in all of their splendor.

That afternoon the Kircher clan came over to our house for spaghetti and pulled BBQ chicken.  It really was a lot of fun!  And the best part was that we didn't have to travel ANYWHERE for the first time in, I think, forever!  It was so nice being home all day long, where Quinn's toys were and Reese is most comfortable.  I hope we can do it every year!

Kircher Family Christmas picture!

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