Monday, February 22, 2010

The Meaning Behind the Words

Our un-affectionately nick-named neighbors are dubbed the Thundering Herd. I've never heard people so loud in my entire life, and I've lived in condo/apartment settings in the past. On top of their running and thumping throughout their condo above us, they are also making home improvements on their floors (maybe their soundproofing? One can only hope...)

Anyway, on Saturday, Quinn and I were sitting at the dining room table eating lunch and forgive me for starting this inappropriate conversation, but it is just too funny not to post. The neighbors were doing some serious drilling and there was one particularly loud noise of something being screwed securely into place. The following short, but hilarious, conversation ensued...

Loud Noise
Me: "Quinn, did you just foof? (our word for passing gas)"
Quinn (and I kid you not, with her finger point toward our ceiling: "No Mommy, the neighbors are screwing upstairs!"

Need I even say more?

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