Thursday, April 9, 2009

First Dentist Visit

Last Friday I took Quinn to her first dentist visit with Dr. Bob. I had been pumping her up for this for months so she wouldn't be afraid. She was soooo excited to go! Well, the moment came when she got back into the room and sat in the big chair. She got to wear a pair of cool princess sunglasses to keep the light out of her eyes, and Dr. Bob explained all of the instruments he was using to count her teeth. He let her pick out the toothpaste he was going to clean her teeth with. As I was watching this whole scene play out, I noticed her getting quieter and quieter. She was a bit overwhelmed, to say the least. Dr. Bob sat her back and started counting her teeth, when she let out "the cry" - "I want my mommy!!!!" I came over to calm her down, which (believe it or not) worked, and she let him finish looking at her teeth at least. But she wasn't down with him cleaning her teeth, so we are waiting until October to do that bit. Best news was that she had no cavities! So she got her little prizes and off we went...

My personal opinion - I think she may have remembered the operating room when she got her tubes put in. When the anesthesiologist covered her mouth with the gas mask, it was all over. She had freaked out! And you have to admit, a dentist's room does look a bit like an operating room! All those instruments and lights and sounds can be a bit scary to a 3-year-old!

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