Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sheryl Crow's Influence

So I'm sitting here, listening to Sheryl Crow's new CD, posting this, wondering what the hell kind of world are we leaving for our children? Will this beautiful creature that Kirch and I have created life a good, safe life in the wake of our selfish mistakes? I know I can't change the world, but I try the best I know how to leave it as much in one piece for her and all of the other children that have to clean up our mess...

This is true innocence...

Sheryl's new CD, like a lot of her past music, is very "save the world" hippie music, which I absolutely love. But she once again gets me thinking... WTF? Poor Quinn, she's got a lot to face in this world. I just hope we can guide her as much as possible, because, she is going to need it. But I digress. This post doesn't need to be anymore negative than it already is.

You'll take care of me, right Daddy?

What a downer, huh? I just had to get it off my chest. I hope to look back on this post and feel the kick in the ass it takes to make me a better person for my daughter...

Chasing bubbles...


michael kircher said...


Just the fact that you're asking yourself these questions tells me the Q-bug is going to be just fine. Maybe SHE will change the world?!

Uncle Mike

Jennifer said...

you know, this got me thinking.

this is every parents thought...so I looked up what was happening in the world the year I was born. the more things change, the more they stay the same.....I dont know if this is inspiring or depressing, but here it is:

Eleven Israeli athletes at Olympic Games in Munich are killed after eight members of an Arab terrorist group invades Olympic Village; five guerrillas and one policeman are also killed

Nixon orders "Christmas bombing" of North Vietnam

Five men are apprehended by police in attempt to bug Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C.'s Watergate complex

start of the Watergate scandal

Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama is shot by Arthur H. Bremer at Laurel, Md., political rally

and the good news:

The compact disk is developed by RCA

The antidepressant Prozac is developed

CAT scans are developed

Electronic mail is introduced. Queen Elizabeth will send her first email in 1976.

Apollo XVII, the last manned moon landing to date, returns to Earth with 250 pounds of lunar samples.

Song of the Year: "You've Got a Friend," Carole King

Women dominate the 1971 Grammy Awards

Atari introduces the arcade version of Pong, the first video game.