Get this - Quinn got fired from her daycare on Monday! Rubina gave me the excuse that it's Quinn's age and she's just so much work, doesn't have help, is worried that D.J. is going bite her again, etc... but Kirch and I truly think that she is MOSTLY terrified that D.J. will bite her again and then she'll have a mess on her hands. So WHY is Quinn the one to get penalized for D.J.'s bad behavior??? Because Rubina is making this personal and she can't get rid of D.J. because he's been there longer and "his grandmother relies on me." Well, WE rely on you too, Rubina! But what's done is done and I'm already looking for other daycare providers that will love Quinn for who she is - a curious, active, GOOD little girl! We will have her out of Rubina's on the 8th - the day we leave for North Carolina - if all goes well. She'll start a new place on the 20th, when we're back to work. I just look at my sweet daughter and think, how could anyone NOT want her???
Last Saturday Quinn and I did some serious running around. We headed to Grandma Kircher's for a while, then headed out to WalMart to pick up some stuff. Poor kid, she was such a good sport, but it was way WAY past her nap time. By the time we got home it was 1:30 and i still had to feed her lunch before I put her down for her nap. She was one pooped little girl...

Our home has officially turned into a toy tornado. I don't even bother to try to keep up anymore. There are toys covering our bedroom floor, Quinn's bedroom floor and the living room floor. She plays with any and all things. She especially likes boxes (well, what kid doesn't?). She and Tiki had some fun with a box that my new pair of boots came in this weekend. Check them out!
it's ok, i got kicked out of kindergarten - i think i was too chatty. imagine that?! me?!
kicked out?? how could she with a face like hers???
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