Monday, July 9, 2007

Coasting Through July

Happy 16-Month Birthday, Quinn!

Although we're not obnoxious about Quinn's monthly "birthdays," I did sing Happy Birthday to her this morning in the car on the way to Rubina's. She LOVES that song! Whenever she hears it, she smiles and rocks back and forth to the music. Too cute.

I can't be sure, but I think she's trying to say "kitty" now. It's inaudible to anyone else, but I've been picking up on her sounds lately and sure enough, the sound that comes out of her mouth when the cats are around is the same sound every time. I think she's on the cusp of language explosion. Carrie gives it 2 weeks before we can't shut her up! She's a bit of a babbler, so I'm guessing it will be very soon, also.

Saturday night Quinn went over to her Aunt Paula's for the evening so Kirch and I could attend a party thrown by the Barrons and the Downeys. It was very nice to relax and act like adults without having to constantly keep the parent radar at code red. Quinn was great for Paula - kept her busy, but behaved wonderfully and went down for bed without a problem. We got back to pick her up past 1am and didn't get home and to bed ourselves until about 2:30am. Let me tell you, even though Quinn "slept in" until 7:30, it was still WAY TOO EARLY for Kirch and me! But we both took advantage of her marathon nap later in the day to catch up on some sleep ourselves. We even got to be early last night (just after 9pm), but I'm still wiped out. It takes me 2 days to catch up anymore! It's not fair, this getting old thing. I definitely don't bounce back the way I used to.

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