They're coming hard and fast now - the words in Quinn's vocabulary, get your mind out of the gutter! She is saying "hi" now and "hi kitty," although to the untrained ear, "kitty" is pretty inaudible. But to my mommy ears, it's the cutest thing ever! Kirch and I are pretty sure she's saying "mine" now, too. And we're also quite sure that that word has come directly from daycare!

Speaking of daycare, there was an incident this week - Wednesday to be exact. Quinn got bit by one of the boys there! She's got a nice black-and-blue mark on her forearm to prove it. Apparently they were playing with the same toy, which D.J. didn't much care for, so he decided to bite her. My poor kid! Eh, she's a tough cookie. And unfortunately, I'm sure she will do the hurting one of these days... D.J., you'd better look out!
Of the next few new words, "Mike" better figure prominently! After "Mom" and "Dad" of course.
Ouch...a bite...poor sweetie! I've been on the receiving end a few times with our little one and I can't believe how hard a little person can bite and how bad it hurts!
DJ, I'd watch my back if I were you!
Tell DJ that Quinn has 5 males cousins on the Kircher's side that will rough him up if he continues his biting ways :)
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