Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Daycare Dilemma SOLVED!
Now we can go on vacation with that weight off our shoulders!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Catching Up From Last Week...
Quinn had company yesterday! Natalie and Sponge came over to watch the Brickyard race (Tony Stewart won, by the way) and have dinner. We made spaghetti and I watched Kirch and Sponge do several beer/pop chugs. I refrained this time - my 16:24 last weekend with Kirch and Sponge will have to hold for a while :-) Anyway, Natalie and Quinn were so cute - they shared Quinn's new couch/futon bed and were pretty cozy all evening. Quinn was definitely a bit much for Natalie to handle... it's the first time I've seen my child be a bit smothering to another child! We were constantly saying, "Quinn, no... Quinn, back off a bit... Quinn, be nice..." But Natalie took it in stride and was a very patient little girl!
I've noticed more and more that Quinn is becoming a Chatty Cathy nowadays. She mimicks us a LOT now. Kirch has taught her "nice".... (Niiiiiiiiiiiiii....!), and she says Ma Ma, Da Da, Hi, Buh Bye, Wow, Woah, Mine and she signs "eat". So she is coming along nicely! She also went to bed last night without her pacifier for the first time since just before we left for MI at the beginning of the month... I'd REALLY like to get her off of it before we go on vacation next week, or before she starts her new daycare. We've got 8 days to pull that off - fingers crossed! I don't have the utmost confidence it is going to happen, but we're going to try again tonight when it's time for bed. We'll see!
We head over to visit a woman by the name of Tianna Fogle after work this evening. She runs a daycare out of her townhouse in Germantown and I just loved talking to her over the phone. We're hoping she is "The One" and we can put a deposit down for a spot for Quinn tonight. I'm not going to go into all of the things I love about her until it is official - I don't wanna get my hopes up until after our meeting with her tonight! HOPEFULLY I'll be able to post some good news tomorrow :-)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
What a Shock!

Our home has officially turned into a toy tornado. I don't even bother to try to keep up anymore. There are toys covering our bedroom floor, Quinn's bedroom floor and the living room floor. She plays with any and all things. She especially likes boxes (well, what kid doesn't?). She and Tiki had some fun with a box that my new pair of boots came in this weekend. Check them out!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Stay Cool, Baby...

February, 06 - 34 weeks pregnant
I bought Quinn her very own pair of sunglasses the other day while out and about, running errands. She just loves playing with our shades, so I figured we'd get her her own to play with. Well, she's getting very good at actually wearing them for long periods at a time... and when I say "long" periods, I mean for more than the time it takes for us to pull our hands away from having just placed them on her face! We need to invest in a play cell phone next because she's getting very chatty on our real phones and she's bound to either really call someone by accident (our luck it will be 911) or she's going to break our phones!

I went to Kirch's End-of-Summer Tennis Banquet last night (as I do every year). Jenn & Josh watched Quinn and had a great time with her. Jenn says she got some cute pictures of Quinn sitting in her collapsible cooler and on a little decorative bench, so I'm anxious to get those shots and post them on here. Hopefully soon!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Those Hazy Days of Summer...

After the BBQ, we headed to Kenny & Jessica's for the evening. Quinn went down without a hitch and we stayed up to visit for several hours. Jim and Leen showed up and we were all up until 1:30ish. JUST TOO LATE for me anymore - it's too hard to get up with a child the next morning and actually function! So when Quinn went down for her marathon nap yesterday, so did Kirch and I. I swear, I need another day to catch up! I'm just too old for this anymore...
In other news, I cut all of my hair off after about 4 years of growing it out and having it long. I was due. It is a fantastic cut (in my opinion) and I've had lots of compliments on it. I think even Kirch is telling the truth when he says he likes it!
Hmmm, I know Mommy likes it this way, but I miss playing with her long hair...
Friday, July 13, 2007
More Words...

Speaking of daycare, there was an incident this week - Wednesday to be exact. Quinn got bit by one of the boys there! She's got a nice black-and-blue mark on her forearm to prove it. Apparently they were playing with the same toy, which D.J. didn't much care for, so he decided to bite her. My poor kid! Eh, she's a tough cookie. And unfortunately, I'm sure she will do the hurting one of these days... D.J., you'd better look out!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Coasting Through July
Although we're not obnoxious about Quinn's monthly "birthdays," I did sing Happy Birthday to her this morning in the car on the way to Rubina's. She LOVES that song! Whenever she hears it, she smiles and rocks back and forth to the music. Too cute.
I can't be sure, but I think she's trying to say "kitty" now. It's inaudible to anyone else, but I've been picking up on her sounds lately and sure enough, the sound that comes out of her mouth when the cats are around is the same sound every time. I think she's on the cusp of language explosion. Carrie gives it 2 weeks before we can't shut her up! She's a bit of a babbler, so I'm guessing it will be very soon, also.
Saturday night Quinn went over to her Aunt Paula's for the evening so Kirch and I could attend a party thrown by the Barrons and the Downeys. It was very nice to relax and act like adults without having to constantly keep the parent radar at code red. Quinn was great for Paula - kept her busy, but behaved wonderfully and went down for bed without a problem. We got back to pick her up past 1am and didn't get home and to bed ourselves until about 2:30am. Let me tell you, even though Quinn "slept in" until 7:30, it was still WAY TOO EARLY for Kirch and me! But we both took advantage of her marathon nap later in the day to catch up on some sleep ourselves. We even got to be early last night (just after 9pm), but I'm still wiped out. It takes me 2 days to catch up anymore! It's not fair, this getting old thing. I definitely don't bounce back the way I used to.
Friday, July 6, 2007
And She's Only 16 Months Old!
We just got back from Michigan on the 4th of July. We drove out for 4 days and had just the best time. The drives to and from were tough, with accidents, detours, traffic and anything else that could possibly keep us from hitting our destinations. But the time spent in Algonac was some of the best time I've ever spent with my friends and family.
Saturday we went to Al Nugent's fish fry and I ran into Jay Tuttle. I haven't seen him in at least 9 years. It was nice to catch up with him and meet his wife. After we left there, we headed to Shane's. Eric and Jessica showed up, along with some of Shane & Brad's friends, and we proceeded to party it up pretty good. Quinn was such a good girl, I put her in her Pack & Play and she went right to sleep. Even though she is using her pacifier again (she went 2 nights in a row without it before we left for MI), she went right to sleep and stayed asleep through the Saturday night fireworks and our laughing and yelling. She woke up once and once I went in to calm her down, she went right back to sleep. We had a great time, drinking, taking pictures and catching up with Shane and his friends.

Sunday morning Kirch and I both felt rough! But after breakfast back at Pop & Laurie's, we pulled ourselves together and headed over to Pat's parents' house to catch up with Pat & Carrie, and Chad & Brenda. Some of Pat's family was there, and we all headed into town with our kids for the parade. We met up with Jessica, her kids, Amy, and Carol & Wally. After the parade, we headed into the Pickerel Tournament (aka "Dirt Fest") for several hours, catching up with Pop & Laurie, and Eric & Jessica. Laurie offered to take Quinn for the evening, so Kirch and I headed back to Pat's place to hang out with them for a couple of hours before we both came crashing down hard. We were exhausted!

Monday we didn't do much of anything, which was soooo nice. We never left Pop's place - Eric & Jess came back out and we had dinner and opened up all of Gail's Christmas presents. Talk about Christmas in July! That night we watched "Pirates of the Caribbean," which I really enjoyed.
Tuesday during the day was another quiet one. Then at 4pm we headed to Jason Taylor's house in Marine City to catch up with him and his family. Chris Kowalski was supposed to show up, but he had to work too late. So it was just Jason, Donna, and their 2 girls and us. We really had a nice evening, eating burgers and dogs on the grill, and trading stories. When we got home, Laurie had bought Quinn and Elmo chair that vibrates and laughs. She loves it! It's sitting in her bedroom now.

That was it. Wednesday morning we went to Coney Island for a quick breakfast and then got on the road to come home. It was such a great time, now I can't wait to get home for Christmas!