Please welcome Reese Delaney Kircher! She was born 12 days early on July 2, 2011 at 8:23am, weighing in a 7 lbs, 2 oz, and measuring 20 inches long. She's absolutely perfect, and Big Sister Quinn couldn't be more proud :-)

I have a good set of lungs!
Meanwhile, Kirch and I jumped in the car and headed to Holy Cross Hospital. We arrived about 3am and got checked into our room. My labor pains had subsided by then, but I was still contracting and at about 3 cm, so Dr. Newhouse let me progress on my own. By 5am the labor pains were back in full force and I requested an epidural (what, you don't think I was going to do this natural, do you?). By the time the anesthesiologist got the epidural in, I was in some pretty good pain - having contractions every 2 minutes or so and doing my best to breathe through them. After an HOUR of waiting for the medicine to kick in, it FINALLY did and I relaxed. So then from 6 to 7:30am, I waited to fully dilate and by 8am it was about time to push! I checked the clock (8:15am) and proceeded to push for 3 rounds of 3 - the last of them 7 minutes later, when our beautiful daughter came into the world! She was a great delivery - 7 1/2 hours from start to finish (2 hours shorter than Quinn) and such a nice surprise - because I thought, once again, that she was going to be a boy! Just after Reese was born, Kirch once again surprised me and told me he had known for some time that she was a girl - and had successfully kept the secret from me for the remainder of my pregnancy. I'm so thankful for his discretion - we both got what we wanted (he knew, I didn't, he wanted a girl and got her, I didn't care!)...
So since then - she's what? Five days old now? Reese has been really great and Quinn has been a wonderful sister to her. We are adjusting well as a 4-person family and look forward to having wonderful experiences together as our girls grow up together!
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