Well, according to Kirch, he had the best time of his life on Saturday - and that was all due to spending the day with his best girl, Quinn (yes, I've been replaced - and that is quite ok with me!). Uncle Bill, Little Bill, Jodi and her friend Vivian all hosted Kirch and Quinn at Bill's buddy's (fully stocked) pond and Quinn had a blast. And according to Kirch and Bill, she's a natural fisherman(girl)!
Between listening to Kirch and Quinn spill out their stories in extra speedy time, I gathered that she lipped all of the fish (grabbed them by the mouth to hold them up after they were taken off the hook), put the worms on herself, caught about 6 bluegill(s?) and caught 2 monster bass! It was quite a successful day and here are a couple of pictures to show for it...
By the way, I'm the proudest mother ever right about now!
Between listening to Kirch and Quinn spill out their stories in extra speedy time, I gathered that she lipped all of the fish (grabbed them by the mouth to hold them up after they were taken off the hook), put the worms on herself, caught about 6 bluegill(s?) and caught 2 monster bass! It was quite a successful day and here are a couple of pictures to show for it...
By the way, I'm the proudest mother ever right about now!

Ewwwwwe! But I'm brave!

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