Sunday, October 14, 2007

Playdate with Lily (and TJ!)

Yes, the girls played on Thursday together... but it was a nice visit for TJ and myself, too! You could just tell who was in charge for the day - since Lily was comfortable in her own home, she definitely ran the show :-) She was much more talkative than Quinn was, being very vocal about her toys, and leading the way with all of the activities for the morning. I'm very confident that if the playdate would've been at our place, Quinn would've been much more at ease, and Lily probably would've played second fiddle! But it was great to see the girls hang out and play together (or play side by side, as it more-than-often was).

It's a shame that TJ and I live so far apart. I always enjoy spending time with her, but it's pretty difficult to get together when we live 50 minutes away from each other, and I work a full time job. All of my belly-aching aside, we really did enjoy ourselves on Thursday.

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