Doesn't every mom say that? Every time her child does something new, it's as if NO other baby in the world has ever done it better! Well, that's how I feel every time Quinn accomplishes a new task - such as...
...eating with a fork. She's a pro! Well, not really, but in my eyes she is! I was feeding her lunch over the weekend and she just picked up the fork and actually made plate-to-mouth contact on more than one occasion! This definitely called for some impromptu video...
...going pee-pee on the potty - at 18 months! Now I'm not so naive as to actually think we are anywhere near potty training, but hey, if she wants to go on the potty, who am I to stop her? It has just clicked to her within the past week that "pee-pee" and "poo-poo" are things she does in her diaper. We have a potty seat for her, and she likes to sit on it, but Sunday evening she said "pee-pee", so I took her diaper off and put her on her seat. Well, she sat for a few minutes and did nothing, so I asked if she was done. She got up, and then said "pee-pee" again. I sat her back down and sure enough I heard the sweet, sweet sound of her tinkling in her very own potty! Kirch and I did the Happy Dance and we gave her all kinds of praise for her accomplishment! So, from now on, when she wants to sit on her potty, I'm going to do my best to take her diaper off so she may "go" from time to time.
...understanding the difference between yes and no. It was a big weekend, now that I reflect back. All of this stuff happened on either Saturday or Sunday! Usually, when you ask Quinn something - anything - she just nods her head yes. It tends to go something like this:
Quinn, do you want to go night-night? (Nods her head yes)
Do you want to go buh-bye? (Nods yes)
Do you want to go to the doctor and get a shot? (Still nods her head yes)
Well, Saturday night, while in the bathtub, I asked her if she was ready to get out. She looked right at me, said "no" and shook (not nodded) her head! I was shocked! I asked again - same response... "No". When it was time to get out, she was a bit peeved at Mommy because she was just not ready to get out! I was cracking up!
The month of September was big for our girl. She just keeps learning and thriving, and it's so satisfying to watch!
...eating with a fork. She's a pro! Well, not really, but in my eyes she is! I was feeding her lunch over the weekend and she just picked up the fork and actually made plate-to-mouth contact on more than one occasion! This definitely called for some impromptu video...
...going pee-pee on the potty - at 18 months! Now I'm not so naive as to actually think we are anywhere near potty training, but hey, if she wants to go on the potty, who am I to stop her? It has just clicked to her within the past week that "pee-pee" and "poo-poo" are things she does in her diaper. We have a potty seat for her, and she likes to sit on it, but Sunday evening she said "pee-pee", so I took her diaper off and put her on her seat. Well, she sat for a few minutes and did nothing, so I asked if she was done. She got up, and then said "pee-pee" again. I sat her back down and sure enough I heard the sweet, sweet sound of her tinkling in her very own potty! Kirch and I did the Happy Dance and we gave her all kinds of praise for her accomplishment! So, from now on, when she wants to sit on her potty, I'm going to do my best to take her diaper off so she may "go" from time to time.
...understanding the difference between yes and no. It was a big weekend, now that I reflect back. All of this stuff happened on either Saturday or Sunday! Usually, when you ask Quinn something - anything - she just nods her head yes. It tends to go something like this:
Quinn, do you want to go night-night? (Nods her head yes)
Do you want to go buh-bye? (Nods yes)
Do you want to go to the doctor and get a shot? (Still nods her head yes)
Well, Saturday night, while in the bathtub, I asked her if she was ready to get out. She looked right at me, said "no" and shook (not nodded) her head! I was shocked! I asked again - same response... "No". When it was time to get out, she was a bit peeved at Mommy because she was just not ready to get out! I was cracking up!
The month of September was big for our girl. She just keeps learning and thriving, and it's so satisfying to watch!

Here are a couple of shots up at Dad & Dorothy's in PA on Sunday morning. Quinn loved playing with the pig and zebra oven mitts!
Dorothy, that pig is after me!

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