Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Who Knew Rockville Town Square Could Be So Much Fun?

Quinn and I spent 4 hours in the center of Rockville Town Square last weekend. What a blast! I packed us some PBJ's, chips, carrots and juice boxes, and Quinn and I played in the water fountain most of the morning! We played tag in the courtyard, and she climbed on the rocks, showing off her amazing biceps and balancing abilities.

I'm going to water the plants next...

Here I come!

It was the perfect summer day. And the best part was, it never got overly crowded there! That was amazing to me, because it seems to me this would be a great getaway for families for minimal to no cost at all. And it was so much fun! I mean, to create this fountain and actually call it an interactive fountain - who could ask for more? I'll lay money (that I saved by going there) that the Germantown Water Park was twice as busy for twice the price!

I can spell the letters out, Mommy!

...and look at my strong muscles!

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