So anyway, I run all the logistics of our board meetings and one of our members invited us out to his company in La Jolla, so voila! I got to go - and boy, what a beautiful place to see. Check out just a few pictures I took on my very little free time.

I was away 4 days from my Q-Bug and although it was nice to have the break and be an adult free of any responsibility, I missed the hell out of her! She spent lots of time with Uncle Mike, who took this picture and emailed it to me while I was 3000 miles away - she loves being a cheerleader!
Check out my sweet moves, Uncle Mike!

I spoke with Kirch and Quinn several times while I was away. Quinn would tell me how much fun she was having with Uncle Mike, or Suzanne, or Jenn, depending on which day it was (we had the schedule all set up). And when I asked her if she wanted me to bring her back a present, she'd pipe up, "Yeah, I want a PURPLE present!" So that is what she got! Let me tell you, she actually really put me on the spot! I didn't have much time to shop, so when I finally found time, it really took some effort to find things purple. In the end, I found a purple flower barrette, a purple 20's style headband with a purple Gerber daisy on it, and a soft purple scarf. Here she is, modeling them off, the night I came home and gave them to her!
I look like a movie star, Mommy!

As I said, I really enjoyed my time out West, but it's even better to be back home with my Bug!
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