Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Diaper Exit!

Oh the time is so near. Quinn is really potty training now. And I'm not sad ONE SINGLE BIT that she will be leaving the diaper stage behind very shortly. We have given up regular diapers. Yay! One less thing to have to buy and then promptly throw away, adding to the nation's garbage problem. She now can go on short excursions with undies on (to and from daycare - that's as brave as we've gotten) and longer outings with pull-ups without making a mistake. Last night Quinn and I went to Target and she went potty in the bathroom twice, leaving her pull-up dry! It's no fun lining the public toilets with TP and telling her over and over not to touch anything (especially when I have a fold-up potty seat that I left in my car!), but it's that much closer to being out of diapers forever! I actually made a bold move and left the diaper bag home last night, too. Big step for me - I bring that thing everywhere. I really need to stop and put more faith in the fact that my little one gets that pee-pee and poo-poo are for the potty now.

Getting prepared to launch...

I don't know why it is, but poo-poo is always a bit more challenging for toddlers on the potty. They have to be ready for that one. Well, 2 weekends ago, Quinn just said, out of the blue, "I go poo-poo on the potty." OH HAPPY DAY!!! I knew we were on our way.

So proud!!!

We've had our accidents, but now that daycare is on board and letting her run around in underwear, we are veeeerrryy close. The real test will be on Friday when we head up to Rocky Gap for the weekend to go camping. Quinn insists on sitting on the big toilet without a seat - so I hope it won't be a problem for her to use her portable potty seat for the weekend. I guess we'll see. But I have a feeling that she will be fine - and out of diapers completely before she and I go home to MI for 4th-of-July weekend!

Off I go! Yay for me!

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