Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Kid Tattled on Me!

And I thought we were tight!

On Tuesday Kirch picked Quinn up from daycare. As they were driving home, Kirch, always more conscious of his language in front of her than I am, said "Shoot!" for whatever reason (I think he said he was trying to make a left hand turn into traffic). So Quinn, being the sponge that she is, follows suit and starts saying "Shoot! Shoot!" Then, all of the sudden, she says "Asshole!" Kirch whipped around and said, "What did you say?" Quinn looked at him and said it again - "Asshole!" So she says this a couple more times as Kirch is trying to shush her. Then, this is the kicker - she says, "Asshole! Mommy say that!" Can you believe it? I just about shit my pants when Kirch called to tell me I had just been ratted out by my 2-year-old daughter! What a crack up!

You know, the truth is, that is my "word" when I'm in the car. Everyone is an asshole. If someone pisses me off, I immediately say, "Asshole..." And as quiet as I think I'm being, or as hopeful as I can be that she's not always paying attention, this is proof positive that she definitely is. Guess Mommy needs a time out!


Jennifer said...


gracie amazing said...

ha! i am SO glad my dog can't repeat what i say in the car...