Other than that, things are just coasting right along. We visited the Hatleys yesterday (John was nice enough to do our taxes for the 3rd year in a row) and I have a cute story to tell about Patricia. She is playing with Quinn and out of the corner of my eye, I see that Quinn has something in her mouth. I call out to her, "Hey! What do you have in your mouth?" Martina tells me, "It's just a Goldfish cracker Patricia gave to her." Ok, no biggie. Well then Martina tells Patch, "You have to make sure you ask her before you give Quinn anything to eat, ok?" And Patch promptly says, "I did ask her - and she said yes!" Kirch, Tina, Hatley and I about died, we were laughing so hard! So then Tina says to Patch, "No, you have to ask Quinn's mommy if you can give Quinn anything to eat!" It was priceless - Patch was so defensive and staunch on her answer - "I DID ask her...!" FUNNY!!!
Today we went to the Perrus's for our February playdate and had a really great time. It was a good group, and it's such a great way to stay in touch with everyone, now that we all have children and lives going in every different direction. Here are some shots from all of the playing mayhem!!!

Quinn went down like a ton of bricks tonight. After being up until 10pm last night (over at the Hatleys') and playing like crazy today, she was tuckered out. So here I am, on a Sunday night, blogging for the whole week, as usual... which leads me to this juicy little piece of news!
I got a promotion at work this week! I became the Executive Assistant to the president of my company. It's due to a little bit of skill and dedication, and a lot of "right place right time," but it's an awesome opportunity that I believe I'm ready for! I got a nice salary bump and some very nice praise from my boss and other employees of the company. What an ego boost - but it's a bit scary at the same time! It's been super busy at work lately, what with the original Executive Assistant leaving, preparing for a Board of Directors meeting (which went excellent, by the way), getting my boss's trip to the Netherlands in order, and planning to leave for Phoenix next week! I'm hoping Tuesday - Thursday will go well (although i have a boatload of work to do before we leave Thursday afternoon) and then when I get back the following Wednesday, I'm really hoping things settle down just a tad so I can tread water and not feel like I'm drowning! But seriously, it's a fantastic thing, this job. I can finally say I'm truly happy at my job and I LOVE IT!
I got a promotion at work this week! I became the Executive Assistant to the president of my company. It's due to a little bit of skill and dedication, and a lot of "right place right time," but it's an awesome opportunity that I believe I'm ready for! I got a nice salary bump and some very nice praise from my boss and other employees of the company. What an ego boost - but it's a bit scary at the same time! It's been super busy at work lately, what with the original Executive Assistant leaving, preparing for a Board of Directors meeting (which went excellent, by the way), getting my boss's trip to the Netherlands in order, and planning to leave for Phoenix next week! I'm hoping Tuesday - Thursday will go well (although i have a boatload of work to do before we leave Thursday afternoon) and then when I get back the following Wednesday, I'm really hoping things settle down just a tad so I can tread water and not feel like I'm drowning! But seriously, it's a fantastic thing, this job. I can finally say I'm truly happy at my job and I LOVE IT!
Congrats Rox!
Thanks for all the nice words over at my blog.
Are you still thinking about the D40x? I think Circuit City has the best price on it. Didn't see it advertised at Best Buy, but I'm sure it's there.
Oh, and love the booger story!
Uncle Mike
Congrats on the promotion, keep up the good work. Have fun in Arizona!
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