Thursday, December 6, 2007

First Snow, 2007

Yesterday we had our first (and probably last - ha!) snowfall of the season. Aside from the treacherous driving conditions, it really was a beautiful sight. Quinn doesn't remember last year's snow, so this was like watching it all for the first time again - but actually better, because this year I actually saw the wonder and awe in her sweet little face.

When I picked her up from daycare, we came home, ate real quick, and I actually bundled her up and we went outside for a while. Well, she was a tad apprehensive at first, but grew to love walking around in 3 inches of cold white stuff quickly. She'd put her little mittens into the snow, then lift up her hands to me, and say, "Uh Oh!" She didn't know how to get the snow off of her mittens - it was this great mystery to her, and it was just absolutely priceless.

We stayed outside for about a half hour until I was sure her little hands and feet were probably freezing. She didn't care - she did NOT want to come in! She's throwing more aggressive fits as she gets older and is starting to test her boundaries. This is not fun. But what can I do, right? Anyway, as I guessed, when I finally got her undressed and Kirch took her in to put on her PJ's, her hands and feet were so cold! Our daughter is very cold-blooded! It just doesn't bother her to be cold!

Who needs PJ's? Not me!!!

But she had a blast and here is proof...

Wow, this stuff is cool!

1 comment:

michael kircher said...

Snow? Michigan should be a REAL blast for her then! I'm very jealous of that Western Saloon-style hut your dad is building! Have a great time.