Buh bye
Outside (side)
Nose (no)
Pillow (po po)
Uh oh
Necklace (nya nya)
Da Da
Cheese (cheee)
Choo Choo (what sound does a train make?)
Pee pee
Nice (niiiii)

How adorable am I?
She just knows so much now. It's amazing how quickly she picks things up now, too. And her long term memory is good - almost too good...
Here's the story. Quinn has never had a problem with being in the water. She still doesn't, but she has been scarred by a recent incident. Two weeks ago I took her over to Stacy's while the guys did their football draft (I've blogged about this already). Anyway, we went outside and played in the pool. Well, the water was a bit too cold for Quinn, and she wasn't much enjoying it. She went down the slide and went completely under, that cold cold water really shocking her. She cried - HARD. Well, after calming her down, I didn't give it another thought. But since then, she's been less and less inclined to lean back in the tub when it's time to rinse her hair. We NEVER used to have a problem with this. Now, she absolutely refuses to lean back in the water. She cries and gets nervous the moment I mention, "Ok, lay back so we can rinse your hair!" She just won't do it. I feel so terrible! Thankfully she still loves taking a bath and playing in the water, but that frozen pool incident really did a number on my kiddo :-(

Hmmm... Daddy has to show me what to do with this.
I've also noticed lately that she's getting a bit whiny when we are somewhere new or overwhelming. Ever since we've been taking her to Tiana's, she whines or cries just about every time we drop her off or the minute we walk in to pick her up. And yesterday at her 18 month well visit with Dr. Potter, she really was not happy. She was just fine in the waiting room, but the minute we walked into the patient room and the nurse tried to measure her head, she just broke down into tears. And she cried and whined the WHOLE time we were in there! Plus, she had to get her 2nd Hepatitis booster, so she was absolutely not thrilled about that either. But on the plus side, Dr. Potter says this is all normal and most babies go through this separation anxiety thing right around this time. Other than being a bit clingy, she's a perfectly healthy normal little girl!

I'm a big girl, drinking from my juice box!
Now for her stats... she weighed in at 25 lbs, and measured 31 inches. She is a solid little girl! All is well in QuinnLand!

Me and all my stuffed pals!
Congrats Rox!
Oops, that was supposed to go under the post about your new job! Can't trust me with computers.
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