I can't believe we're almost into September already. This weekend is Labor Day Weekend - how did that happen? It seems like just yesterday we were making preliminary plans to head to Atlantic Beach. Now, vacation is over and kids are heading back to school, and we are heading into football season and sweater weather. Where does time go? And it's so cliche, I know, but it's the truth that time does pass quicker as you get older.
My baby is almost 18 months old - that's twice as old as how long I was pregnant with her! There are some days when I really miss being pregnant - even with as crappy as I felt for almost 5 months. It was absolutely worth it, that's for sure, but there are some days when I yearn for the feel of her kicking me or just my big old belly with life growing inside of me. When you get right down to brass tacks, it's still a wonder how we can create life and nurture it and harvest it. Amazing.
Ok, nostalgia aside - here's what's been going on!
Quinn's first week at her new daycare was great. She started to warm up to Tiana, Chrissy and the children by around the end of the week. After the separation anxiety (pretty much after we closed the door), she'd jump right into playing with the other kids, eat like a horse (which is her speciality), and take naps with no problems. Yesterday when I dropped her off, she didn't cry at all. Just walked herself over to Chrissy and got ready for breakfast. Around lunchtime, I got a call from Tiana, confirming that Quinn is definitely getting very comfortable at her new daycare - she threw her first all out fit... squealing, throwing herself on the floor, spinning around - the works. All because she could see her lunch but they didn't get her to the table and feed her fast enough! Yes, yes, my daughter is such a scrawny little thing - waiting for 5 minutes while her lunch cools down might just cause her to whither away. And she has the patience of, well... her father. But after her mini-meltdown, she was fed and then was happy as a lark. Go figure.
On Sunday Kirch, Quinn and I met up with Scott and Eric, and Jeff and Natalie at the Renaissance Fair. Despite the oppressive humidity, we had a really good time. The kids played in the playground, we walked around, ate lunch, and took some pictures. It was a nice way to spend a Sunday morning.
Quinn is a sponge now. She's saying words faster than we can keep up with anymore. And now she's telling us what things are. For instance, now she points to my nose and says, "noooo!" Or to my eye and say, "eye!" Yesterday she was in my closet with me and pointed to a shoe and said, well - you know :-) It's so great, listening to her communicate with us (up, down, etc.) - granted the communication is limited. But still! And she's reading US stories now, in her own Quinn-language. It's priceless... take a look!
Before we know it, the girl will be speaking in sentences, then paragraphs. Slow down - no need to grow up so damn fast!
Love that video! Too cute!
Glad Quinn is enjoying her new daycare.
Plans to move south..hmm...sounds like we better get a get together on the calendar fast!
how absolutely adorable...i could just eat her up!!!!
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