Monday, June 18, 2012

The Day I Thought Would Never Come... Came!

I was beginning to wonder if Quinn was EVER going to lose a tooth.  She's had her right bottom tooth wiggling for what seems like months, and today at daycare she bit into a cob of corn and really helped the process along.  Well, tonight, after 30 minutes of pushing and pulling, a little blood and a few estatic tears, she got that sucker OUT!  I was clearheaded enough to grab the video camera to catch this priceless moment (or 4-and-a-half moments ) on film.  It's a little lengthy, but so worth witnessing the pure exhiliration and joy Quinn has when she realizes she's FINALLY lost a tooth and the Tooth Fairy is coming tonight!

Yes, yes, I cried tears of joy and my peacock feathers bloomed in full tonight for my big girl.  Another milestone in her road through life.  Sigh...

She could not BE more proud!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

No, I didn't have the foresight to actually take a picture of Kirch with his girls or Kirch opening Quinn's gifts to him or anything that the old Roxanne would've done when I actually had time and a clear brain to go along with it.  Instead, I can tell you that Quinn made a card for him, and we collectively picked out 2 gifts he absolutely loved.  We got him a new set of chimes (with a lady bug on it, to represent the Q-Bug) and a hummingbird feeder.  He quickly put them up out on the porch, much to Quinn's delight.

Other than that, we had quite a nice weekend - I took Quinn to the Baker Park pool yesterday and then we got to scrapbook a little while. We all had a nice dinner on the deck last night to celebrate Father's Day a day early. Today, after Reese and I went to CostCo, I took the girls outside to hang out for a while, and then went for a walk. The weather couldn't be more perfect this weekend... Can't we just have that kind of weather all year round?

 Thanks, nice stranger lady, for taking this picture of me and my girl!

 Love this pic...

 Sister pictures are few and far between - love when I get a good one!

 The look of wonder... Those eyes!

 Yes, they actually like each other!

Future model...