Monday, March 26, 2012

Fun Around the House

This month is getting away from me, as the last 39 years have... But I've had some fun times with the girls in and outside of the house lately... Check out the pictures below!

Sweet Baby Girl
Spinach?  Ok then...
Playing in Reese's Room!
Um, do you see a resemblance?
Give her a push, Quinn!
Dolled Up Sisters
Quinn and her 2 babies...
My beautiful big girl
Well, this is quite a predicament!

We are desparately fighting off cold viruses, spring allergies and strep throat, trying to get well for our road trip (yes, I said it) to Michigan next week.  Everyone, think good thoughts - this is going to be a true testament to my sanity, doing this alone, as Kirch must stay back and work through Spring Break.  I'll post pictures upon my return... if I still have my sanity!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy Big Number 6 To My Quinn!

What a weekend!  Quinn turned 6 (six... how did that happen???) on Friday and in lieu of a birthday party this year, we both took the day off and I surprised her with a trip to a farm in Round Hill, VA, where my friend boards her horse.  Oh yeah - Quinn is like, TOTALLY into horses these days.  So we arrived in the morning, and she got right into hanging out with Socrate (French for Socrates); she got to brush him, help clean his hooves, feed him treats, and as a bonus, she got a quick ride around the yard (all chaperoned, to you worriers out there)...  She had a great day!  After all that, we got to see the chickens and she got to visit the other horses grazing out in the field.  It really was a treat to see her have so much fun on her day off.

After we left the farm, we headed to Target in Leesburg so Quinn could spend her hefty gift certificate from Grandma Kircher.  Lo and behold, she ended up with this plastic horse that was half the size of her (no kidding) with hair down to there!  She also got a doll to ride her...  It was so fun to watch her spend her own money!

AND, to top off the day, she had 2 friends from her day care sleep over.  Presents were opened, cake was eaten, and girls were up until 11pm.  She says it was her favorite birthday so far... in her whole 6 years :-) 

Ok, now onto planning Reese's birthday...  Thank goodness I have 4 months!