Now, the downside to this wonderful journey is that Quinn has learned to use "poo poo" and "pee pee" as a stall tactic when it comes time to go to bed. She is usually very good at bedtime, but within the past week or so, it has become quite a chore. She is staying up sometimes until 9-9:30pm! And almost every night she is stripping at least her PJ bottoms off. Last night she decided to take everything off - even her diaper! She peed ALL over the mattress so Kirch and I gave her a stern talking-to and we stripped her bed and re-made it. By the time we got her back into bed it was almost 10pm. This is getting old quick - I think we may have to show some tough love this weekend (which is just SO hard to do!!!) I talked to the nurse about it today on the phone and she told me to put her in a onesie, duct tape it, and explain to her that it's time for bed, and she can cry, but Mommy and Daddy won't be back into see her until the sun comes up. It's so much easier said than done... we'll see how it goes!